Monday, April 04, 2005

Why I came to the MLI ?

I came to the MLI because I wanted to learn English.
Also my unit (project department) at GHQ sent me to the
MLI, as my job there needed all people working there speak
and read English. Another reason for that English is an
important part of my life.


I asked my commander to come to the MLI to
improve my language because the English language
is very important in our life. For example, we need to
use it at the hospital, for education and for most of
the technology.

Abdul Hakem

I came to the MLI because I had, and still have a
desire to learn English for communication. Because
of this I told my commander to send me to the MLI.
Everything now in the world uses the English
language and everybody should learn the English
language. I have been attending the MLI since 21
September 2002.


I came to the MLI to study English. My work
requires some workers to know English and to
speak to many people who call my office.
Many people call us to help them. Some of
them speak English, so we need to learn
English. Also I learn English to use it in my life.


When I first came to MLI, my level in
English was bad and I didn’t think this
institute would be beneficial for me. Now when
I finished study my course in MLI I,discovered
different things. I think the MLI is useful and


When I began my course my level was low.
I felt that I would change my language. I
spent benefit time and I saw professional team
from teachers and administrators working
together to help me. From that time, I
discovered that the course contained a lot of
information to help me in my life.


In 15th Oct.2002 when I crossed the MLI
gate, I was carrying a group of wishes to
improve my language. I set a goal for myself
that when I finished this course, English
should be my second language.


why I am learning English language

First, for my job I have to write reports about some damaged rifles. Than, I need this language, so I decided to join at MLI to improve my English language. The second reason is my life, without English I cannot understand what is happening around me. Everyday almost hundred things are discovered, like computer, games and other equipments. Without the English language how I can understand and use them?
The third reason is for my children. How can I teach and help them if I do not understand English? How can communications with other nationalities? And it is useful when I traveling aboard.

Mahmood Hussain

I came to MLI because I wanted and still want to
improve my language. No body forced me to learn, it was
my choice. First the Captain told me you couldn’t go to MLI
because you don’t have high school certificate. I told my
major and he sent me to the MLI. It was a good chance to me
to improve my English language because I used English for
many reasons in my personal life, such as at restaurant,
laundry, company, and at school. For these reasons I came
to the MLI.


I joined the air force to be an engineer. I will be able to
work on the Mirage fighter. I have to study a lot of
engineering and this studying needs English so, my unit
sent me to the MLI.


Two years ago I tried to travel to Canada or US
to study English but I failed. Studying English
was my goal because English is the first language
in the world. I had some of English skills because I
studied in UAE University. I felt happy when I
entered MLI because I reached my goal.


I come to the MLI to study English that first think I know
and my unit sends me there. My unit
sends me because they think if I come to MLI l can
speak English very well and l can speak with anther
people and help him to find what his problem.


In my opinion, I need to learn English extra because
the English language is important and I should
continue my study. My goal after six months is to
study in the British Council. Also I should reed more
and I learner more vocabulary, I use dictionary also
in the future I help my self with matting with
another friends.

Mohammed Abdulghani

My Future Plans For Study

In the future I’m going to have strategy for improving
my English language. I know my exact problems for
learning English. Because I’m visual learner, I must use
visual materials like watching TV (to be more exact I should
watch English channels) and newspapers. Also I’m going to
use the computer more than before.The important thing is that
I’m going to keep contact with my teachers after MLI
because they are going to help me better than others.

Abdul Hakem

I will improve my English language speaking
by practice with other friends who speak English
very well and I will travel to practice the language
outside.I think my studying in MLI was useful and
I got a lot of benefits. MLI has prepared me to study
abroad in the future.

Al Bakiry

In six-month advance, I will try to read books
in English to study more vocabulary, that’s can
give me new ideas in English language in the
future. I prepare to entering in Higher College
Technology to complete my learning English,
because nobody interacting about knowledge and
stopped in one thing.

Ali Mohammed Ali

I hope after finishing my study at MLI I will
continue to develop my English learning. For that I
will practice English with my friends from other
countries in chatting and sending emails in
English. Also I will join in short course in Dubai in
English 40 days. Also I will see more English movie
and I will read English newspaper every day to get
more vocabulary and practice.


I think my study in MLI was successful
because I studied nine month with good teachers. I
think my class the new class (Core Plus) was useful
class. I did well with my friends in this class and I
benefited from them.


My plan for future

I will study that I learned at the MLI by arrangements my program. I will plan one hour to study vocabulary, grammar and reading storybook. By end of six months I am able to understand read and write simple sentences. My plane for next I will join to institute to improve my English language because I need English for my job and also for my life. Because I am visual learner I will use visual materials such as pictures, chart, maps, graph and etc.


I will use the English language in any where can I
use it. I will try to speak in English in markets and in my
work. I would like to add my trips to other countries to make
more practice in English language. I will take some courses
in other institute to save my level and also to improve it. I
will bay some books to teach me more and to get more
information about the English language.Finally don’t
forget if you want to learn language you must make
practice .No practice no language.


Now I feel very well because I got good
information about the English language. After
graduation I will continue my study by another
way. Studying English language was very
interesting for me because our teaches were very good
and they gave us their experiences.


I can say studying English at MLI was very
successful. During this course I got many
benefits such as the ability to join any activities
in English, doing well in my work, and enjoying
with foreign media more. To improve my English
I think MLI gave me the key for the many roads.


I know exactly my weak and strong points in English. Because I am visual learner, I should use visual materials such as charts, maps and graphs to maximize my learning.I will use the computer to search for information and I will read English newspapers to improve my English language. E-mail and chat also help me and I will not forget our teachers, if I face any problem, I will write to them. By the end of six months with my strategy, I want to be able to read daily newspapers and understand almost all of words. And also I help my children if they need help. By end of one year I will have completed my strategy.


I feel the best way to remember something is to
picture it in my head. Also I typically follow
written instruction better than oral. I tend to take
notes during verbal discussion lectures to review
later. My dream is to make English my second
language, so I will continue studying this


Skills I need to improve

Although I have improved in many skills, I still
need to improve in my listening because it’s one
of the important skills. I find that listening to the
tape is more difficult than listening to the
teacher, because the teacher speaks slowly and
tries to make me understand, but the voice in the
tape speaks too fast for me to understand

Al Mazrooy

My plan for English language study in future
I made a plan for studying English in a
number of different ways for another two years. I
want to be able to read an English newspaper without
using any dictionaries. Also, I want to speak
English with anyone and have him understand me
clearly. I want to be a good listener, so I can
understand anyone talking with me, or when I listen to
English songs or watch English movies.


Planning for the future

After I finish my studying at the MLI I hope that I can travel and complete my language skills in Canada or US. I will use some of English learning recourses, which are reading English newspaper, watching English movies, chatting with people who speak English and I will use speaking as I can in my work. I will watch the news in English TV channels to develop my skills. I will try to make my language skills perfect by practicing with other people.


My conclusion is that the MLI developed my
language. MLI covered everything in the English
skills. I will encourage my friends to study at MLI
because they need to develop their languages.
